“Part of being successful is about asking questions and listening to the answers.”- Anne Burrell
During my internship, I promised myself I would take every chance I could to ask questions. I used to be shy and not want to open up and voice my concerns, but I finally grew out of my shell. Asking questions is so important to help you understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. By asking questions and getting detailed answers, you’re gaining new knowledge and confidence that you’ll keep with you. It was even easier for me to be open and honest with my questions during work because I was encouraged to speak up. My preceptors and coworkers were all so friendly and here to teach and give me answers and to gain a better understanding of bedside nursing. I have learned so much already and am glad I have people around to help me find the answers and come to conclusions myself. I truly believe in “if you never ask, you’ll never know.” There is no such thing as a stupid question when it comes to your education. Also, it’s better to be safe, rather than sorry, especially because we are dealing with real people and potentially saving their lives. One of the main reasons I love nursing is that I know I will be learning forever. I hope to never stop reading about new evidenced-based practices and policies to help deliver better patient care. It’s inspiring to know I can work hard every day to better myself as a nurse and as a person. There will always be room to learn and improve, and that’s something I can count on for the future. It is important for me to walk into work with my head held high and my thinking cap on to help me during a new or unfamiliar situation.