"And suddenly you know: It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.”- Meister Eckhart
This summer, I am blessed with the opportunity to have my first job, and I couldn’t be happier that it was in the nursing field. I was looking forward to my start date throughout the whole school year. My orientation and training went great and made me even more enthusiastic to do what I love. One thing I didn’t realize is how lucky and fortunate I am to have this amazing opportunity. We were told that over 900 people applied for the position, 450 were chosen for video interviews, and only 250 people were offered the job! This made my peers and me feel special and grateful to be where we are. The company and employers made me feel welcome and wanted. I truly felt like they cared about us as individuals and wanted to help us in any way they could, even if it wasn’t related to our jobs. Strong values and expectations for employees is something I take seriously, so it was nice to be reassured of the company’s emphasis on a healthy, productive, and safe work environment. It was inspiring to hear personal nursing stories, and I couldn’t help get emotional, as I started to make a big step towards my nursing career. For orientation, we were asked to wear our scrub uniform to look the professional part. One of the days of orientation, a volunteer saw me walk in with my usual smile and said: “You look ready to work!”. His comment made me feel good and happy that others notice that I am eager and passionate about what I do. It brought an even bigger smile to my face. I couldn’t ask for a better beginning to my professional nursing career and having the incredible power to changing people’s lives.